Beginners Pathway

If you have always wanted to try shooting we would love to welcome you to our club. We have developed a tried and tested beginners pathway designed specifically to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

You will join a small group of like minded ladies and learn about the basics of handling a gun, eye dominance and safe shooting practices.  

Most importantly you will make some great friends and have lots of fun.

We run beginners intakes starting at different points in the year.  We also run a Beginners Taster day usually in September.

 Get info about our next beginner's intake

Our Recent Beginners Events 

Our beginners events are getting more and more popular, with some of the youngest members now taking part and doing brilliantly with thier shooting.

Introduction to Clay Shooting day in September 2021

Some of the amazing photos taken by Nigel Yeo from CreativeCorn at our recent introduction to Clay Shooting day in September at Pawton Gate near Wadebridge.

Read more about eveything shooting here

Find out more about the club and what our members are up to in the blog.